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Placement | November 2020


Some people are afraid of change, but I'm excited for my new adventure! I will be living the rest of my days in a loving home with my original foster family, Robert and Angie! Unfortunately it was difficult for me to adjust in new environments, which eliminated me from the service training program. Now I'll be able to relax with my fur-ever family! Thank you to all who helped me get to this point.

Willow's Journey

Stage 1 Introduction

Hi there, my name's Willow! I am proud to have been selected to enter into the Retrieving Freedom training program.  My parents are “Honey” and "Bo" from Golden Dream Kennels. During this stage of training I will be spending approximately 8 months with my new volunteer foster Angie. 

Throughout Stage 1, I will learn the basics obedience, public behavior, and a lot of socialization. I understand that it takes a very special dog to complete the program as there is a high standard to become a Service Dog. I am aware that I may be one of the dogs whose purpose is outside of service work so I will be updating my profile on a monthly basis for all that would like to follow my journey through the program. 

July 2019 - 2 months old

I'm so excited to begin training with my foster! Lucky for me, my foster and my breeder are the same person. So far, I really enjoy going to work with my foster mom Angie at the nursing home. My favorite treat is a peanut butter filled Kong.

August 2019 - 3 months old


Time to begin training! I have started learning that the word "place" means to jump on this board. I patiently wait for treats and sometimes the longer I wait, the more treats I get! Along with training comes veterinary appointments - have to be sure I'm healthy so I can feel good when I work! I'm also practicing to be comfortable in these fancy boots. Mom says they'll protect me from the hot pavement.

September 2019 - 4 months old


I'm happiest when I'm working! Mom says I'm easy to work with! I like to do whatever makes her happy... and whatever earns me more treats! When you get caught snoozing at church and try to play it off but your bed head gives you away... It's helpful for me to train in all sorts of environments including places like church where I have to remain calm and quiet!

October 2019 - 5 months old


My foster mom Angie and I got to dress up for Halloween to go to work today. Don't you think we make a great doctor and nurse pair?!

November 2019 - 6 months old


I'm 6 months old now! 

December 2019 - 7 months old


Do you think I was naughty or nice this year? Big thank you to Pawsforthemoment for always keeping me stylish in these fun bandanas! 

January 2020 - 8 months old

My best buddy. I am so patient with children! 

February 2020 - 9 months old

Angie knows our time together is coming to an end soon. The trainers at RFI have been working closely with Angie to find a time to take me to continue my training at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility (CMCF) where I will be working daily with an inmate handler. I am excited to advance my task training, but I will miss Angie, her family, and our friends very much!

March 2020 - 10 months old


Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here I am before and after my spring haircut. I'm feeling fresh. My foster Angie can't hardly believe how big I am getting.

April 2020 - 11 months old

I am doing amazing with my training! The beautiful spring weather is my favorite. I've been doing plenty of socialization with the residents at the nursing home my foster mom Angie works at during this quarantine. I bring them lots of necessary smiles, and I'm so gentle. Any day now, I will be traveling to CMCF for the next phase of training.

Stage 2 Introduction

Wooo!! I have officially been entered into stage 2 of training, and I am so excited!  Over the past 8 months I have had the opportunity to see the RFI mission first hand, and can’t wait to dig deeper in the mission of changing lives through my training for veterans with disabilities and children with autism.  During this Stage, I will work closely with the RFI professional training staff to solidify my understanding of intermediate tasks and the foundation of future commands to help mitigate a disability.  Follow me through this stage learning how I continue to make an impact! 

May 2020 - 1 year old!

I turned one this month! Can you even believe it?! The biggest change with turning one was transitioning from my amazing puppy foster home to the next stage of training. I spent a few weeks at the Retrieving Freedom facility before transferring to the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility (CMCF) to work with a handler. I will spend a few months there, at least. Wish me luck!

September 2020 - 16 months old


I'm out of the correctional facility! I traveled this month from Mississippi back to the RFI training facility in Missouri. I'll be working closely with the professional trainers, and I'm so excited to show them all I've learned over the past few months!

October 2020 - 17 months old


My trainer is impressed with all the progress I've made over the past few months. I've matured a lot and am ready to begin focusing my task training to assist a veteran or child someday!

November 2020 - 18 months old


I continue to work with my trainer on various tasks. I'm such a smart girl! I aim to please and love being rewarded with treats and pets. 

1 comment

  • Lynne | Apr 23rd 2020 @ 6:58 PM

    Go get ‘em Willow! You’ll do great in your next phase!!!

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