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Placement | April 2020
Some people are scared of change, but I am excited for my new path! Because of some health issues, I was removed from the service program and am able to live the rest of my days with a wonderful new family!
Maui's Journey
Stage 1 Introduction
Hi there! My name is Maui. I am proud to have been selected to enter the training program at Retrieving Freedom. My parents are "Faith," who is originally from Kerrybrook Labradors and is now fostered by the Sanderman family, and "Olaf" of Ridgeview Labradors. I am so excited to spend the next 8 months or so with my new volunteer foster home, Bethany, who is part of our Iowa State University Program!
Throughout Stage 1, I will learn how to behave well in public, basic obedience, and lots of socialization. I understand it takes a very special dog in order to complete the program, as RFI has a high standard to pass a dog as an official Service Dog. I am aware that I may be one of the dogs whose purpose is outside of service work, so I'll be posting updates monthly to allow you to follow my journey through the program!
August 2018 - 2 months old
I am headed to my temporary foster home! My temporary volunteer foster Cyndi will help teach me my name and potty train me before I head to Iowa State University's campus with my full-time puppy foster.
September 2018 - 3 months old
I got to meet Bethany today! Bethany will be fostering me through her Animal Science program at Iowa State University. I can't wait to see what we can accomplish together over the next 8 months!
October 2018 - 4 months old
I'm loving this fall weather! Although I'm fairly lazy and prefer riding the university bus over walking when it comes to getting around.
November 2018 - 5 months old
College life is great! Posing next to these big statues is great for my training - it teaches me not to be afraid of things I don't recognize. My foster is exposing me to anything and everything she can!
December 2018 - 6 months old
Can you believe I'm 6 months old already? Mom and I are going to relax over Christmas break! Even service dogs have to enjoy down time.
January 2019 - 7 months old
Time to get back to work! We began classes again. I like to sleep through all the lectures and work on ignoring distractions.
May 2019 - 11 months old
Mom and I visited the Retrieving Freedom facility in Waverly, IA today. We checked in with the trainers and they said I'm on the right track to enter stage 2 of training soon. Yipee!
Stage 2 Introduction
Wahoo! I have officially entered Stage 2 of my training, and I am so excited! During this stage, I will begin working more with my RFI staff trainer and in the Impact Programs. The past 10 months with my foster Cyndi have been a great learning experience, and we are both excited to see what's to come! The next 8 months will be spent working with college students, at-risk teens, and middle school students. I will also begin working on intermediate tasks associated with my future placement!
June 2019 - 1 year old!
Hot summers = cooling down in a pool. I'm really starting to find my personality! By that, I mean I'm starting to find that I really love just hanging out, chewing on a bone.
July 2019 - 13 months old
The time has come to say "see ya later" to my foster, Bethany. We have learned so much from each other over the last 10 months. I hope we can be reunited at some point in the future! I'll always be thankful for the time spent with her.
August 2019 - 14 months old
It's time I head to Mississippi to enter my next phase of training at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility (CMCF). I will have a new handler at CMCF who will teach me as much as they can over the next few months! It's helpful that I continue to learn in new environments, all while keeping up with my task training.
Stage 3 Introduction
Over the last year and a half I have been working diligently to get to this part of training... Stage 3! I switched to my Stage 3 trainer at RFI and they have confirmed that I will be working toward becoming a service dog for a child with autism or a veteran with a disability. During this stage I will begin to meet potential recipients, learn final training tasks, finish up my role in the impact programs, and complete the 100 required one-on-one hours with my future recipient. This stage is a 4 to 6 month process, and I understand there is still a chance that I might not complete the program due to health or performance. I'm looking forward to sharing with you about my first visits with potential recipients, trips into public, and other highlights throughout my final stage of training.
January 2020 - 19 months old
Over the next several months, I will be working with this gem right here - Madalynn! She has been paired with me through a Wartburg College class and will be able to work with me a few days a week. I'm excited to see what we can learn and accomplish together!
March 2020 - 21 months old
This month I had to say "see ya later" to my wonderful Wartburg student, Madalynn. I am so thankful for the numerous hours she spent working with me at Retrieving Freedom, in public, and on Wartburg College's campus. I hope to see her again someday!