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Placement | July 2021


Some are nervous for change, but I'm excited for my future! Due to some unforeseen circumstances, my trainers had to make the difficult decision to remove me from the service training program. Luckily, my weekend foster from my puppy days, Ron, has decided to give me a forever home! I'm so thrilled to spend the rest of my days loving on him and being spoiled as can be. Thanks to all who helped my best buddy and I get to this point!

Sponsor Announcement

I'm super excited to announce my sponsorship from Ron Erwin! Ron graciously donated toward a Puppy Head Start sponsorship, which helps me through the initial stages of training. I hope to make him proud throughout this journey! Thanks, Ron!

Jasper's Journey

Stage 1 Introduction

Hello, I am Jasper.  I am proud to have been selected to enter into the Retrieving Freedom training program.  My parents are breeding stock from Wildrose Kennels and I was a donation to Retrieving Freedom from the Wildrose Service Companions Foundation. During this stage of training I will be spending approximately 8 months with my new volunteer foster, a handler at the Iowa Medical and Classification Center (IMCC). 

Throughout Stage 1, I will learn the basics obedience, public behavior, and a lot of socialization. I understand that it takes a very special dog to complete the program as there is a high standard to become a Service Dog. I am aware that I may be one of the dogs whose purpose is outside of service work so I will be updating my profile on a monthly basis for all that would like to follow my journey through the program. 

April 2019 - 4 months old


I was able to take a vacation from IMCC to visit RFI for a little while. I got to hand out with my fellow service dog in training, "TD." We are best friends. In the second photo, taken at IMCC, I am working on impulse control! You can see me on the far left in the line of dogs.

August 2019 - 9 months old

A volunteer foster, Jessa, let me tag along on her vacation. She took my to my first doggie dip and needless to say, I had the time of my life!

October 2019 - 10 months old

The face I make when they tell me to "smile pretty" for my head shot photo. I'm easily the silliest dog at the training facility!

November 2019 - 11 months old

I am back from IMCC and preparing for Stage 2 training! I was able to watch some hockey and celebrate the new year with a volunteer foster, Marisa. Everyone in Waverly says how much they missed me.

Stage 2 Introduction

Wahoo!!!  I have officially been entered into stage 2 training, and I am so excited!  Over the past 8 months I have had the opportunity to see the RFI mission first hand, and can’t wait to dig deeper in the mission of changing lives through my training for veterans with disabilities and children with autism.  This training stage will be another 8 months of working within the Retrieving Freedom Impact programs.  Currently these impact programs include working with college students, at-risk teens, summer campers, inmates, and elementary students. During this Stage, I will also work closely with the RFI professional training staff to solidify my understanding of intermediate tasks and the foundation of future commands to help mitigate a disability.  Follow me through this stage learning how I continue to make an impact! 

December 2019 - 1 year old!

I spent a few weeks over Christmas with a volunteer weekend foster, Marisa. She spoiled me! We went to multiple hockey games, which I behaved very well at!

January 2020 - 13 months old


Meet my Wartburg student! We have been paired together through the RFI-Wartburg College program. We will work together this semester on obedience and public work. Once she passes a public access test, we will be able to train on campus and in town together. I'm excited to see what we are able to accomplish over the next few months! PS. I'm known for not being able to take a very good photo, but I'm glad it brings a smile to others' faces.

February 2020 - 14 months old

Happy Valentine's Day! My friends and I took a group photo in the shape of a heart. 

March 2020 - 15 months old


I have been working with a student from Wartburg College this semester. We are both sad that her semester with me ended early. I learned a lot from her in the short time we spent together and hope she comes back to visit me someday! In the meantime, I'm enjoying extra play time with my RFI friends.

April 2020 - 16 months old

I am not able to train in public or work with clients due to the quarantine. Instead, I have lots of extra time to solidify tasks with my trainer so that I'm even more prepared to work with clients whenever we are able to. I'm sure enjoying the extra play time, too!

Stage 3 Introduction

With over a year of training and hard work, I received notification of my acceptance into the stage 3 training course! This is the final stage of training for me to become a placed service dog with a veteran with a disability or a child with autism. During this stage I will begin to meet potential recipients, learn final training tasks, finish up with my role in the impact programs, and complete the required 100 hours of one on one training with a recipient. This stage is a 4 to 6 month process before my placement and I understand that there is still a chance that I might not complete this stage due to health or performance issues. I can't wait to tell you about my first visits with potential recipients, trips to public with my handlers, and other highlights from my stage 3 training. 

June 2020 - 18 months old


This month I successfully passed my test to enter my third and final stage of training! As RFI continues to cautiously open, I will be able to begin working with clients! Thank you to my trainer who continues to work diligently with me and everyone else who helped me get to this point!

July 2020 - 19 months old


I love going on new adventures! I was able to explore the town of Pella with my weekend foster Jessa, and another service dog in, Rose.

August 2020 - 20 months old


I continue to work the trainers and weekend foster homes at the Retrieving Freedom facility. I've been transitioning back into public work and showing off all that I've learned over the past few months!

September 2020 - 21 months old


Henry and I are best friends. We play so nicely together outside and we support each other through the training program, as we are learning the same tasks to hopefully help a veteran someday!

October 2020 - 22 months old


I'm very good at retrieving, holding, and delivering items! These tasks will allow me to help a veteran someday. I spent my weekends this month in various volunteer foster homes. We went to pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and relaxed at home!

November 2020 - 23 months old


I have been working with clients frequently. When I'm not with clients, I work with college students or playing with my friends outside in the yard. This month I had two special visitors! The first was from my original puppy weekend foster and sponsor, Ron. We were so excited to see each other again! I also was able to say "see ya later" to Booker, my wonderful and consistent weekend foster. She says she's moving away, and I will miss her so much!

December 2020 - 2 years old!


Happy second birthday to me! I've begun working consistently with a Veteran and am very excited to see what we can accomplish together. Here's to hoping we continue to work well and are officially matched soon!

January 2021


With Iowa temperatures dropping, my trainers and I have to find creative ways to burn my extra energy indoors between training sessions. Although I still think I could play outside for hours, if they'd let me! My original puppy weekend foster, Ron, visited me again! I'm always so excited to see him and am thankful for all he taught me when I was a youngster.

February 2021


I continue to work with one specific client, doing more public training together. I have perfected the tasks that will benefit them.

March 2021


When I'm not working with my future recipient or my trainer, I spend my days at Wartburg College with a trained student handler.

April 2021


May 2021


I had my first overnight visit with my hopeful forever-friend!

1 comment

  • Bob Mason, weekend foster | Jan 12th 2020 @ 8:45 AM

    Fostered for a weekend. GREAT Dog! Very obedient & loving. Loves to play fetch.

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