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Placement | August 2020

Some people are scared of change, but I'm excited for my future! Unfortunately my trainers had to make the difficult decision to remove me from the training program due to some health issues. I was adopted by my amazing foster family, the Muellers, and am excited to spend the rest of my days loving on them!

Friday's Journey

Stage 1 Introduction

Hello, I am Friday.  I am proud to have been selected to enter into the Retrieving Freedom training program.  My parents are "Tilde" and "Hero" from Golden Rule Retrievers. During this stage of training I will be spending approximately 8 months with my new volunteer fosters, Aaron and Ashley. 

Throughout Stage 1, I will learn the basics obedience, public behavior, and a lot of socialization. I understand that it takes a very special dog to complete the program as there is a high standard to become a Service Dog.   I am aware that I may be one of the dogs whose purpose is outside of service work so I will be updating my profile on a monthly basis for all that would like to follow my journey through the program. 

September 2019 - 3 months old  

September brought a dreaded "Friday the 13th," but if you ask me, there's nothing scary about Friday! Just look how cute and fuzzy I am. This month I was able to meet my new foster home. Aaron and Ashley are so excited to work with me and teach me everything I need to know before advancing in my training. They named me "Friday" because... who doesn't love Fridays?!

November 2019 - 5 months old


I got to do an obstacle course with my friends at puppy class, and I'm learning to walk on my gentle leader nicely. Here I am pictured with my RFI friends Dasher and Ayla.

February 2020 - 8 months old

I am getting so big! Most people who meet me think I'm much older than 8 months. I love going to work with my foster dad Aaron, and hanging out with daycare kids with my foster mom Ashley. I have a high tolerance for children and everything that comes along with them! I'm a pro at ignoring distractions, I don't go for food on the floor, and I hold a "down" position through just about anything.

April 2020 - 10 months old

Look how big and handsome I am getting! I have been enjoying the sunnier weather lately by going on walks and playing outside with my foster family.

June 2020 - 1 year old!


I checked in with the RFI trainers this month and they say I'm doing great! I turned one this month and continue to impress everyone I meet with how calm and gentle I am.