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Placement | November 2020
Some are scared of change, but I'm excited for the future! My trainers made the difficult decision that the service dog path wasn't what I was born to do. Fortunately my amazing puppy raiser Alyssa has chosen to adopt me! I am excited to live a life as a pet with her! Thank you to everyone who helped me throughout my training.
Brook's Journey
Stage 1 Introduction
Hi there, I am Brook. I am proud to have been selected to enter into the Retrieving Freedom training program. My parents are “Olive” and "Trout" who are from Kerrybrook Labradors. During this stage of training I will be spending approximately 8 months with my new volunteer foster Alyssa who is part of the Iowa State University Program.
Throughout Stage 1, I will learn the basics obedience, public behavior, and a lot of socialization. I understand that it takes a very special dog to complete the program as there is a high standard to become a Service Dog. I am aware that I may be one of the dogs whose purpose is outside of service work so I will be updating my profile on a monthly basis for all that would like to follow my journey through the program.
August 2019 - 3 months old
The highlight of this month easily was meeting my new handler Alyssa and beginning to get to know one another. Alyssa will be my puppy raiser through the RFI-Iowa State University program. She is a senior at ISU and as a part of her Animal Science program, she has the opportunity to raise me and teach me everything I need to know over the next 6-8 months before I turn in for full-time training. I'm excited to see what we're able to learn from each other!
September 2019 - 4 months old
Alyssa and I are all settled at Iowa State University and we are in a routine heading to classes. I've already experienced so much! I ride the bus with her, snooze through classes, and do Friday trainings with the other RFI dogs on Iowa State's campus. Overall, I love putting on my vest and going to work!
October 2019 - 5 months old
I'm enjoying going for walks in the cooler weather. Alyssa says I look cutest next to fall decorations, such as these pumpkins. I'm advancing a lot in my training already - I know commands like "sit," "down," "heel," and "place." I still encounter various objects that induce a little fear, but Alyssa is patient and works well with me to ensure I overcome my fears!
November 2019 - 6 months old
Alyssa and I work together in this show arena on my heeling. I make the best eye contact! I'm always keeping my eye on Alyssa (or whoever has my leash) and wait for their next command. This also helps me ignore distractions going on around me. Look how big and beautiful I'm becoming!
December 2019 - 7 months old
I really enjoyed getting in the holiday spirit and taking a break from going to class with my foster Alyssa. She was really excited when she captured my signature half-smile on camera.
January 2020 - 8 months old
This winter has brought a lot of snow, and I think this white stuff is really fun to play in! I'm also continuing to work on all my basic obedience skills, like this perfect sit I'm demonstrating. I've mastered ignoring treats and food when they aren't given to me straight from my handler's hands. This keeps me safe from eating anything I shouldn't!
February 2020 - 9 months old
Here is what a typical day in my world looks like! I hold the best eye contact with Alyssa and we work plenty in public with distractions, crowds, and general obedience. She has done so much to help me advance in my training over the last 6 months and I can't wait to see what more I can do to make her proud!
March 2020 - 10 months old
Well, today is the day. I turn in for full-time training. Alyssa has taught me everything I'll need to know for this next step. I'm so proud of what we've accomplished together since August! I've matured so much, and hope I was able to leave just as much of an impact on her that she did with me. I hope to see her again someday!
Stage 2 Introduction
Wahoo!!! I have officially been entered into Stage 2 training, and I am so excited! Over the past 8 months I have had the opportunity to see the RFI mission first hand, and can’t wait to dig deeper in the mission of changing lives through my training for veterans with disabilities and children with autism. This training stage will be another 8 months of working within the Retrieving Freedom Impact programs.
Currently these impact programs include working with college students, at-risk teens, summer campers, inmates, and elementary students. During this Stage, I will also work closely with the RFI professional training staff to solidify my understanding of intermediate tasks and the foundation of future commands to help mitigate a disability. Follow me through this stage learning how I continue to make an impact!
April 2020 - 11 months old
I'm enjoying working with my new trainer, Bailey. She works me mentally, and then gives me a good playing session to relax after. We even get to work on fun commands like this one - "sit pretty!"
May 2020 - 1 year old!
I celebrated my first birthday this month! My trainer gave me extra snuggles and treats.
June 2020 - 13 months old
I transitioned to the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility this month. I will be working with a new handler, an inmate who is a veteran, to focus on task training and general obedience. I'll be here for a few months, and am looking forward to updating you once I transition back out!
September 2020 - 16 months old
I'm out of the correctional facility! I traveled from Mississippi back to the RFI training facility in Missouri to work with the professional trainers. I'm excited to show them everything I've learned over the past few months!
October 2020 - 17 months old
I continue to train daily with the professional training staff at Retrieving Freedom!
November 2020 - 18 months old
This month I traveled back to the Iowa facility and was reunited with my puppy foster, Alyssa! She took me home for a weekend where we caught up on snuggles, play time, and training!